December 31, 2007

Day 31: Resolution

I'm constantly inspired by people who are really good at one thing in particular. I consider myself a kind of dabbler in many things, but not really great at any of them. And I think it's mostly because I'm lazy. And afraid. Afraid, because what if I try really hard—give something all my (extra) devotion and energy, and then I am still not that good at it. And lazy, because I get bored with hard work and distracted by any un-started, more exciting projects.

In particular, I'm totally inspired by the two women who collaborate on the photoblog 3191. They both take a photo every day and post it. For a whole year. And they are simple photos. Especially beautiful when posted as pairs. But they do it every (week)day. I don't usually make resolutions, but I'll try one: to write every day for a year. At least a little. Whether it's a poem, a free-write session (I like to turn off my computer screen for those), a short journal entry, a blog post...I just want to make sure it happens every day. And since I haven't posted poems on all 31 days of these postcard poems, some of that writing will be showing up on the posts I missed.

Do you have a writing resolution?

1 comment:

Caroline said...

I do have a writing resolution. I want to try to write more poetry. I'm going to be coming back to all these prompts and trying my hand at these different forms.

I'm like you Brooke. I also think of myself as a lazy, frightened dabbler. Some day I hope to set aside the fear and write something substantial.