December 27, 2007

Day 27: Found poetry

Found poems are constructions. Experiment with found poetry. Look for a passage in a newspaper, advertisement, old textbook, history, medical manual, etc. Arrange the words in lines to bring out some non-evident quality. Remember, by taking the words out of their original context, you change the way we see them.

Or, cut out words from a magazine and separate them into bags: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs…etc. and make a collage poem (or, if you already have a version of magnetic poetry, use that).

Genuine Poem,
Found on a Blackboard
in a Bowling Alley
in Story City, Iowa

If you strike
when head pin
is red pin,
one free game
to each line.
Notify desk
before you throw
if head pin
is red

by Ted Kooser


Caroline said...

Last year I played the magnetic poetry game, and I was totally proud of what I came up with in two minutes. Here are some of mine.

(subject: love)
Full of song you rise and smile as a slow red ocean.

(subject: romantic evening)
The naked flower of night drinks us up together. I slowly believe.

(subject: telemarketers)
My dad says the cold song of a monster sounds again.

(subject: winning the lottery)
I saw yesterday a sick stormy mountain of joy. Wet emotions thunder through me coldly.

Brooke said...

Caroline, I love them!