December 15, 2007

Day 15: Words, words, words

Choose a word, any word. Do a free write on it to generate ideas. Then turn your free-write into a poem.


Deborah said...

Splat buzz hum
oink quack slurp
hiss squeek mumble
hush boom crackle
whirr pop whoosh

(hear it)

Anonymous said...

I play the Native American flute so I chose the word, "flute."

A dried stick, hollowed,
sings its love songs and lullabies
a trio of player, wind and tree.

Its sound is wind medicine
sighing down through time
to heal pining hearts and spirits.

Liz the Poet said...

My word is ‘postcard.’

A souvenir you mail.
A memory in image and word.
A place that can fit in your pocket.
A way to say “I thought of you, but not enough to write.”
A picture you wish you would have taken.
A little snapshot of a lifetime.
A way to remember.